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How to Ensure a Safe Butt Lift Procedure

There is no shortage of butt-boosting workouts available, but unfortunately, it can take years before you start to see the results you want. Butt lifts can help you achieve the curves of your dreams sans squats! It’s no wonder why butt lifts are increasing in popularity each year, but like all cosmetic surgeries, it’s important to focus on the safety aspects of your surgery too.

As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Alfred Sofer implements the most advanced techniques when performing Brazilian butt lifts, but what makes one butt lift procedure safer than another? Below, we share three focal points that help you ensure your procedures are safe: choosing the right provider, using the right technique, and careful adherence to your after-care plan.

Choosing the right provider

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the number of fat grafts performed in the last five years has doubled, meaning more people are receiving butt lifts than ever before! However, the ASPS warns that the increased demand for butt lifts has led to plenty of non-board certified providers performing the procedure without proper plastic surgery training.

As with any plastic surgery, it’s important to choose only board-certified plastic surgeons who are experienced in performing the type of procedure you want. Feel confident that award-winning board-certified plastic surgeon Alfred Sofer, MD, stays up-to-date with the latest technologies and techniques to ensure a safe butt lift procedure. With over 15 years of experience (and having performed hundreds of butt lift procedures), it’s no wonder that people across the country seek out Dr. Sofer.

Not only this, but Dr. Sofer only recommends a surgical procedure if it will help you reach your (realistic) goals. If body contouring isn’t right for you, Dr. Sofer never moves forward with a surgical plan. All your goals and health history are discussed during a warm and inviting consultation in our office.

Choosing the right method

While choosing the right provider is arguably the most important factor when seeking a safe butt lift procedure, it’s still important to choose the right type of butt lift. There are many different types of butt lifts, including ones that rely on silicone implants. Implanting a silicone implant can come with its own risks, including the risk of nerve damage if the implant is placed below your gluteal muscle. 

Here at Alfred Sofer, MD, our team implements other methods to give your butt the lift you desire. To help you achieve a rounder, curvier butt, Dr. Sofer uses power-assisted liposuction (PAL) to remove fat from other areas of your body using the LipoFilter® fat harvesting and separation system. This system preserves as many of the fat cells as possible so that your fat graft is as successful as possible. 

After the fat is harvested, we implement a purification process. This process:

  • Prepares the fat cells for the fat transfer
  • Reduces the risk of infection
  • Reduces the risk of tissue rejection 

Once ready, the fat is injected artistically to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Because we only inject your own tissue (fat cells), it’s tolerated quite well. No synthetic fillers or implants needed!

Focusing on recovery

Though the surgeon and the techniques used play a big role in ensuring a safe butt lift procedure, your after-care helps provide a safe recovery. After your procedure, we monitor you for a few hours in our recovery room. Dr. Sofer then provides you with specific post-procedure instructions to ensure you’re prepared for your healing journey at home. This includes:

  • A three-day course of medication (pain relief and muscle relaxants)
  • Guidance on how to sit, sleep, etc comfortably without disturbing your fat grafts
  • Guidance on when to sit normally 
  • How to reduce your risk of infection 

If a curvier butt is your dream, book your consultation today. You can also reach us at 203-336-9862.