Breast Implants

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Fairfield, CT and White Plains, NY

Breast Implant Fairfield
— Real Patient —

Selecting the appropriate breast implants is a significant decision for our breast augmentation patients. We offer today’s leading breast implant options, including gummy bear breast implants.

Breast augmentation represents 17.6% of all procedures performed by plastic surgeons, (1) making it one of the most frequently performed surgeries worldwide. And for each augmentation procedure, the patient has gone through a rigorous process with their doctor to choose the right implant for their needs.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation, Alfred Sofer, MD is exceptionally knowledgeable about breast implants and can guide you to the best choice. Request your consultation online or call (203) 336-9862 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Sofer to talk about breast implants and your options. Women visit Dr. Sofer for breast augmentation from Westport, Norwalk, Stamford, White Plains, and other nearby communities.

Find out more about breast augmentation on Dr. Sofer’s blog.

Before and After Photos

About Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures in the United States. In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that around 290,000 breast augmentations are performed every year. (2) The procedure increases the size and shape of the breasts, providing a boost in confidence and an enhanced silhouette. 

Women choose to undergo breast augmentation for various reasons, such as to improve their appearance, restore breast volume after pregnancy or weight loss, improve asymmetry, or correct congenital defects. One of the most important decisions to make when considering breast augmentation is choosing the right type of implant.

Round implants are the most popular shape of breast implant, and come in a variety of additional specifications such as size and projection, or how far they extend from the chest wall. High-profile round breast implants offer a range of options for patients that want more significant projection.

Implant Size

Implant size, or volume, is measured in cubic centimeters (cc). Although this doesn’t directly convert to a cup size, there’s roughly a cup to a cup-and-a-half size increase with every 150-200 cc increase. 

Implant Profile

The profile refers to how far the implant protrudes from the chest wall, with higher profiles creating a more pronounced projection.


Low-profile implants have a wider base and less projection, making them ideal for patients who desire a subtle enhancement. 


Moderate-profile implants have a narrower base and slightly more projection, creating a natural-looking result. 


High-profile implants have the narrowest base and the most projection, providing maximum volume and fullness.

It is important for patients to understand that changing the breast implant profile will not provide a significant “lift” to the breast tissue. Dr. Sofer recommends a breast lift procedure for patients who wish to restore the position of their breasts on the chest wall after pregnancy or weight loss.

Saline or Silicone?

Saline Implants

A sterile saline solution is used to fill saline breast implants. Saline implants offer consistent shape, desired firmness, and a soft feel. They are also filled after insertion, so smaller incisions can be used. Saline implants are the only breast implants that are FDA-recommended for women aged 18 to 21.

Silicone Implants

In contrast to saline implants, silicone implants are filled with silicone gel, which has a more natural breast tissue feel. These implants are approved by the FDA for breast augmentation in women 22 and older. Should you choose silicone, MRI screenings, and ultrasounds can be used to assess the breast implant condition.

Gummy Bear Implants

A newer—and very popular—type of breast implant, the gummy bear implant, is referred to as “form-stable” because its highly cohesive gel holds its shape, even when cut. There is no risk of the gel leaking or migrating if the implant shell ruptures. It is designed to be safer and more natural-looking than earlier implant types.

What Do American Surgeons Prefer?

Comparative studies between US and European surgeons reveal differences in implant preferences from one region to another. While European surgeons prefer smaller, textured, round implants, American surgeons preferred larger, smooth, round implants. (1)

General trends:

  • The most popular implant size in the US and in Europe is medium.
  • Smooth implants are seeing an increase in popularity.
  • Textured implants are seeing a decrease in popularity.

Choosing the Right Implant

Ultimately, the type of breast implant that is best for you will depend on your individual goals and anatomy. During your consultation with Dr. Sofer, he will work with you to determine the best option for achieving the results you desire.

Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Ideal candidates for breast implants are women who:

  • Desire to increase their breast size
  • Have lost breast volume due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging
  • Want to improve breast shape or symmetry
  • Are realistic about what a breast augmentation can achieve

Personal Consultation

During your consultation with Dr. Sofer, he will discuss various breast implant profiles, shapes, and materials with you. Each option has its unique characteristics and advantages depending on your individual needs and desired outcome. Dr. Sofer will evaluate your body frame, breast anatomy, and personal preferences before recommending the ideal breast implant for you. With years of experience and expertise in breast augmentation, Dr. Sofer can help you achieve your desired breast size and shape while ensuring a natural-looking result. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about breast implant profile choices.

Cost of Breast Implants in Fairfield, CT

Breast augmentation is typically billed as a 1-time fee that includes your entire experience from start to finish. The associated fees may include:

  • Initial consultation with the doctor and nurses (1 hour)
  • Preoperative appointment to review paperwork and gather information regarding medication and follow-up appointments. Photos are usually taken and implants are selected. (1 to 2 hours)
  • Surgeon’s fee
  • Anesthesia
  • Operating room fee (includes equipment, staff, and room)
  • Price of implants
  • Garments (may or may not be included)
  • All follow-up visits (usually 3 to 6 visits, 15 to 30 minutes each)
  • Postoperative photos
  • Bandages and equipment used during follow-up visits
  • 24-hour, on-call surgeon

Our office also offers convenient financing options.

Ultimately, your choice of implant is a personal decision that should be made with the guidance of an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Sofer. If you’re considering breast augmentation, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our Fairfield, CT office or our White Plains, NY office by calling (203) 336-9862 or filling out our online form. Our team will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your goals and fits within your budget.


What is an extra high-profile breast implant?

Extra high-profile breast implants provide the most projection out of all the available implant profiles. They have a narrow base and a significant amount of projection, making them ideal for patients who desire a more dramatic look. However, it’s important to note that not all patients are good candidates for extra high-profile implants, as they can appear unnatural on certain body types.

Can I change my breast implant size after surgery?

It is possible to change your breast implant size after surgery, but it will require another surgical procedure. If you’re unhappy with the size of your current implants, you can discuss your options for revision surgery during a consultation with a breast augmentation specialist.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices and will require replacement at some point. The lifespan of your breast implants will depend on several factors, including the type of implant and how well they are cared for. On average, most patients can expect their breast implants to last between 10-15 years before requiring replacement.


  1. Jalalabadi F, Doval AF, Neese V, Andrews E, Spiegel AJ. Breast Implant Utilization Trends in USA versus Europe and the Impact of BIA-ALCL Publications. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open. 2021;9(3):e3449. doi:
  2. Fardo D, Sequeira Campos M, Pensler JM. Breast Augmentation. PubMed. Published 2023. Accessed May 11, 2023.