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Get Summer-Ready with a Tummy Tuck

Summer might be a few months away, but if you’ve been hiding your trouble areas 一 muffin tops or pooches 一 with sweaters all winter long, you might wonder how you can get beach-ready in time.

For some, a tummy tuck could be the answer. Tummy tucks, officially called abdominoplasty, create dramatic transformations by removing excess fat and skin. Not surprisingly, tummy tucks consistently make the top-five list of cosmetic surgical procedures

And the best part? It’s not too late to get beach-ready for summer.

Your beach body starts today

Believe it or not, it’s not too late to achieve your aesthetic goals by summer. During your consultation, board-certified plastic surgeon Alfred Sofer, MD walks you through every part of your tummy tuck, including how long to expect your recovery period to last. 

Because tummy tucks are a major surgery, you need to take care of yourself and prioritize your healing to make the most of the procedure. After a tummy tuck, you can expect to care for your incision site, wear compression garments, and rest for several days. You may also need to restrict your activity until given the all-clear to work out. 

Although everyone’s recovery timeline may vary slightly, you should expect to set aside six weeks for recovering. Throughout this entire time, our team monitors you closely and is available to answer any questions that arise.

That’s it! After six weeks, the summer is yours to explore in confidence!

Is a tummy tuck right for you?

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery that not only removes excess fat and flabby skin but also tightens your abdominal muscles. This creates a flatter, firmer stomach. You might consider a tummy tuck if you’ve lost a considerable amount of weight, struggle with a flabby belly after pregnancy, or are bothered by loose skin due to collagen loss. 

Tummy tucks after weight loss

When you gain weight, your skin stretches and your abdominal wall stretches, but even if you lose weight, your skin might not bounce back. This can lead to loose, saggy skin. This is especially true if you lost a significant amount of weight relatively quickly. After losing weight, a tummy tuck helps you showcase all of your hard work.

Note that tummy tucks aren’t weight loss surgeries, and your weight should be stable prior to surgery.

Tummy tucks after pregnancy

If your family is complete, a tummy tuck can help you reclaim your pre-pregnancy body by removing loose skin and tightening your abdominal muscles.

Tummy tucks and aging skin

As you age, collagen production slows down, which can lead to loose skin. A tummy tuck helps address those troublesome areas that bother you.

Get ready for the summer and schedule your consultation today!

Ready to debut a new silhouette? Explore your body contouring options, or further customize your look, by opting for a mommy makeover, which combines multiple cosmetic surgeries to help you address all of your cosmetic concerns. 

Book your consultation by calling 203-336-9862 or by using our online booking tool.