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How to Make the Most of Your Liposuction Results

Liposuction is the second most requested plastic surgery after breast augmentation, but the American Society of Plastic Surgeons predicts that liposuction could eventually outrank breast augmentations as the most popular surgery.

There’s little surprise why it’s so popular— liposuction removes unwanted fat for good. That being said, liposuction is still a surgical procedure and requires careful adherence to your post-op recovery instructions. Dr. Alfred Sofer provides specific advice tailored to you and the types of surgery you have to improve your post-surgical recovery. 

The following tips can help you make the most of your liposuction results.

Before your liposuction

Even before your scheduled liposuction, you can start preparing for it. Most importantly, consider a smoking cessation program prior to your plastic surgery. Smoking delays healing and increases the risk of complications after any type of surgery, including plastic surgery.

You can also prepare your body for surgery by:

  • Exercising regularly
  • Focusing on clean eating (especially foods that help reduce inflammation)
  • Altering your supplement schedule, if instructed to do so

Not sure if you need to stop any medications or supplements prior to your surgery? Bring a list of all of your current medications and supplements (even herbal ones) to your consultation. Some, such as vitamin E and ginseng, can thin your blood and increase the risk of bleeding and bruising. 

Immediately after your liposuction

After plastic surgery, you can expect some downtime. The length of your recovery period varies depending on how many procedures you had and what type. Your healing and overall recovery experience is also shaped by: 

How much water you drink

Staying hydrated can help combat a common post-op side effect: constipation. Focus on adequate hydration, which can range from 8-12 cups per day. Some of your fluids can also come from healthy juices, soups, and bone broth.

Pain management

Liposuction is a straightforward procedure, but you may feel sore afterward. Take any pain medication as prescribed, and keep your incision site clean and dry. 

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes

After surgery, your body naturally produces fluids as you recover, but unfortunately, fluid can accumulate and become trapped, leading to swelling. Wearing loose-fitting clothing during your initial recovery period puts less pressure on any tender areas that are healing without aggravating any swollen areas. Avoid wearing anything that is too tight or that has zippers that could irritate your incisions. 

Wear your compression garment

After liposuction, Dr. Sofer may recommend that you wear a compression garment for a specific length of time. Wearing compression garments after cosmetic surgery is an important part of the healing process and can contribute to getting the results you want. Compression garments:

Less swelling means faster healing, and that means you can enjoy your new silhouette that much sooner.

Dr. Sofer uses power-assisted liposuction (PAL), which is a more gentle form of liposuction that tends to cause less swelling. 


Enjoy the downtime, and spend time doing relaxing activities that won’t interfere with your recovery. This includes reading, listening to audio books, working on puzzles, etc. Trying to return too quickly to your normal activity levels can delay your healing.

Focus on long-term results

Although liposuction can and does provide permanent results (and the removed fat won’t come back), it’s important to know that liposuction isn’t a panacea. Weight gain is possible if you don’t exercise or follow a healthy diet.

Even though you won’t regain the fat cells that were removed during liposuction, it’s possible that the remaining fat cells enlarge. Following a nutrient-dense, well-balanced diet and exercising regularly can help you avoid gaining weight. 

What can liposuction do for you?

Liposuction is an effective solution for unwanted body fat on your abdomen, buttocks, chest, back, thighs, chin, hips, and arms. If you’re tired of trying to get rid of stubborn fat that seems resistant to diet and exercise, don’t hesitate to book your liposuction consultation with Dr. Sofer. You can reach our Fairfield, Connecticut, office at 203-336-9862.