How Liposuction Works

Dreaming of a leaner, trimmer body? When it comes to  body contouring, there are many surgeries available to you: mommy makeovers, post-weight loss contouring, arm lifts, and more. Regardless of which area of your body you want to target, you may have questions about the liposuction process. 

In this blog,  Alfred Sofer, MD answers one popular question regarding  liposuction: how does it work?

What is liposuction?

Liposuction 一 often called just lipo 一 is a fat-removal procedure that’s incorporated into many different cosmetic surgeries. Liposuction can effectively remove unwanted fat from your:

  • Abdomen
  • Thighs and buttocks
  • Upper arms
  • Calves and ankles
  • Submental area
  • Neck
  • Hips
  • Chest
  • Back

There are many types of liposuction, including suction-assisted liposuction, tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, and power-assisted liposuction. Although each type of liposuction removes fat through a cannula 一 a small tube inserted through an incision that removes subcutaneous fat 一 each process is slightly different and relies on different technology.

How does power-assisted liposuction work?

Before your procedure, Dr. Sofer may mark the treatment areas on your body, and we may take pictures so you can compare your before and after photos. After your treatment areas are prepped, you’ll receive anesthesia to keep you comfortable during the procedure. 

Dr. Sofer uses power-assisted liposuction. Like other types of liposuction, fat is removed via the liposuction cannula. However, the tip of the cannula used during power-assisted liposuction vibrates. These rapid vibrations break up fat, so Dr. Sofer can remove more fat in a shorter amount of time.  In other words, power-assisted liposuction is more effective and  more efficient than other types of liposuction.

Not only is power-assisted liposuction efficient, it’s also gentler on your body. Because the fat cells are loosened up by the vibrations, they’re easier to remove, which is easier on your tissue. 

After liposuction, Dr. Sofer provides all post-op instructions you need, including if you need to wear compression garments (and for how long). You may also receive prescriptions for antibiotics and pain medication. 

Can liposuction work with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes! Liposuction can be a standalone procedure, or it can be paired with other cosmetic surgeries. For instance, a tummy tuck involves both liposuction and an excision to remove excess skin.

Should you consider power-assisted liposuction?

Power-assisted liposuction, or any liposuction for that matter, is not a weight loss surgery. It’s intended to sculpt your body and remove sections of fat that haven’t responded to diet and exercise. Ideally, good candidates for liposuction:

Additionally, it’s important to have positive expectations and understand the strengths and limitations of plastic surgery before committing to the process.

Turn your dreams of a sleek silhouette into reality with liposuction. Call us today to set up your consultation. You can reach our Fairfield, Connecticut office at 203-336-9862, or you can  request a consultation online.