Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin

Double chins are a common cosmetic complaint, and if you hate your double chin, you’re not alone. Double chins can form as a result of your genetics, chin and facial structure, and even your age. 

This could explain why your double chin won’t budge no matter how many burpees you do. The good news is that they do respond to cosmetic treatments. If you’re bothered by your double chin,  Alfred Sofer, MD encourages you to consider either nonsurgical options, such as  Kybella® injections, or surgical options, such as chin augmentations and neck lifts.

Read on to explore each of these procedures and find out which one may be right for you. 

Say goodbye to your double chin

It can be frustrating to log workout after workout with little impact on your double chin. Double chins are notoriously tricky to eliminate, but they’re no match for minimally invasive and surgical interventions. 

Kybella injections

Kybella is a nonsurgical option for reducing submental fullness. Kybella contains deoxycholic acid 一 an acid that naturally occurs in the human digestive tract. Just like deoxycholic acid breaks down fat in your digestive system, it does the same thing under your chin. As the acid breaks down fat cells, your body’s lymphatic system flushes them away, making this a permanent fat reduction treatment. 

Kybella injections are administered in a grid pattern to create a uniform, symmetrical look. The process takes about 45 minutes, and you remain comfortable thanks to a topical anesthetic. It’s common to experience redness and swelling after your treatment, but these side effects should dissipate within a few days.

Kybella might be right for you if you aren’t ready for cosmetic surgery but are bothered by your double chin. 

Chin augmentation 

Chin augmentation 一 officially called mentoplasty 一 is a type of plastic surgery that redefines the shape and profile of your chin. Mentoplasty can eliminate the look of a double chin by restoring balance and proportion to your face. Chin augmentation might be right for you if:

  • Your double chin is caused by a smaller-than-normal chin
  • You have a weak chin

This procedure enhances the appearance of a weak chin while tightening the skin in the area to reduce the appearance of a double chin. This option might be right for you if you’re cleared for surgery, have a weak chin, and are unhappy with lax skin around your chin.

Neck lift

A neck lift, also known as a lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that combats a double chin by removing excess skin and fat. This creates a slimmer and smoother appearance. 

Exploring your options

During your consultation, Dr. Sofer reviews all of your options, including both nonsurgical and surgical ones. Your overall health, your aesthetic goals, and your commitment to the recovery process help shape your treatment plan.

For instance, if you’re already planning on other surgical procedures, such as a blepharoplasty, you may wish to combine multiple procedures to reduce recovery time. Eyebrow lifts and facelifts are often performed at the same time. On the other hand, if you’re looking for an option with minimal downtime, you may consider Kybella instead.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to your double chin and hello to a sleek new profile, call Dr. Sofer at 203-336-9862, or use our  online booking tool to schedule your appointment. You can also schedule a  free virtual assessment.