What’s in a facelift and a platysmasplaty?

SMAS Facelift

 SMAS refers to the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system.

Deep Plane Facelift

The deep-plane facelift is modification of the traditional facelift. During this type of facelift, Dr. Sofer will lift and reposition the muscle and the deeper layers of the face. Dr. Sofer will also separate certain muscle layers off of deeper muscles and or other facial structures. 

Temporal Facelift

This type of lift targets the eyebrow area. Dr. Sofer will use this type of lift to address slightly drooping or lowered eyebrows since they can use this procedure to give the eyebrows a lift without having to perform a more extensive full browlift procedure. During this surgery, Dr. Sofer will make an incision and lift the skin on the sides of the brows.

Platysmaplasty or Submentoplasty

A platysmaplasty is a procedure which targets the platysma muscle which is located beneath the skin on the neck. As part of the aging process, many people will notice that these muscles begin to protrude from the neck resulting in two neck “cords” or bands running vertically down their necks. (Known as the turkey neck look) During a platysmaplasty, Dr. Sofer will separate the skin from the platysma muscle directly treat these cords. A platysmaplasty is commonly performed with facelifts and necklifts.

Botox, Dermal Fillers and Chemical Peels after a Facelift

Dr. Sofer will assess you for the need for Botox, Dermal Fillers, and Chemical Peels after a face lift. During the aging process deep lines and wrinkles develop in the forehead and between the eyebrows, and volume loss around the mouth and in the cheeks causing one to look old then they are. The use of Botox and Dermal Fillers and add to the result of your surgery giving you a even younger and softer appearance. 

Call for a consult to learn more. 203-336-9862